About Us

Origin Story

Not so long ago in this galaxy… Dustin and Saf were talking, while their then future wives were working on hair related things, when Dustin mentioned he was wanting to start a geek related podcast. Saf liked the idea and revealed that he was thinking about starting a beer related podcast. Then the idea to combine the two ideas into one podcast emerged and there was no stopping them. Saf decided to rope his two drinking buddies, Keith and Pail, into joining the campaign. After a couple months of debating formats and different titles the first episode was recorded July 4th, 2016 and they have been drinking up and geeking out ever since. Talking about the stuff that fills their geeky little hearts with joy and reviewing craft beers from Indiana and beyond. 

Meet Your Hosts

Dustin aka “The Duke”

Andrew aka "Saf"